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Report Abuse

Call 9-1-1 if a child or adult is in an emergency situation




To report suspected child abuse, neglect or abandonment call:


Statewide: 1-855-552-KIDS (5437)
Treasure Valley: 208-334-KIDS (5437)


You can also call the Idaho CareLine at 2-1-1 

or 1-800-926-2588.




Montana - To report a possible case of child abuse or neglect,
call toll-free

1 (866) 820-5437.

Washington- Report Abuse and Neglect

Call 1-866-ENDHARM (1-866-363-4276*) if you:

  • suspect abuse or neglect of a child

  • suspect abuse or neglect of a vulnerable adult

Copyright © 2019 Guardians of the Children - Inland Northwest Chapter

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